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  • Writer's pictureThe Mourning Minion

Seraphine (Swarm)

Seraphine is a strongly supportive champion with a kit that naturally creates space for her and her allies.

Her unique weapon and passive Stage Presence work together to make Seraphine remarkably good at clearing swarms of weaker enemies, while her e, Surround Sound allows her to get out of tight spots by allowing her to reposition and prevent a significant amount of damage. The Perfect Note caps off this theme of abilities which create breathing room by making her and her allies invulnerable for a moment while pushing enemies away from her.

This makes Seraphine the more forgiving of the two starter characters, though her raw damage output is quite a bit lower than Jinx's.

How to Unlock

Seraphine is one of the two starting champions. She is unlocked automatically.

Base Stats

Base hp: 1000

Base armor: 0

Unique Weapon

Sound Wave | Anima Echo

Seraphine sends out a wave of sound, damaging and slowing enemies hit.

Evolve: Projectile Count

Anima Echo: Waves now come back upon reaching their end point, dealing damage again and shooting past Seraphine

Benefits from: Ability Haste, Critical Chance, Damage, Projectile Count, Duration

Attack CD: 3/2.75/2.5/2.25/2

Damage: 90/110/130/150/170 | 190

Projectiles: 1/2/3/4/5 | 6

Slow: 80%

Slow Duration: 4



Passive - Stage presence

Seraphine has a 25% chance to doublecast weapon attacks


E - Surround Sound (Cooldown: 16s)

Seraphine encourages allies around her, shielding them and increasing their speed.

Bonus Move Speed: 100%

Shield Total: 150 + 25% of Seraphine’s maximum HP

Duration: 4s


R - The Perfect Note (Cooldown: 90s)

Seraphine sings out a pure note, damaging and pushing enemies away and making nearby allies invulnerable.

Invuln Duration: 3s

CC Duration: 2.5s

Damage: 200 + 20 per level

Tips and Tricks for Playing Seraphine

Seraphine is an easier champion to play than Jinx, her passive

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