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Patch 14.17 Preview | God-King 2024

Updated: Sep 2

This is where I keep the cumulative changes between the live server and the league of legends test server, this serves as a preview for patch 14.17, last updated on 8/21/2024.

Patch 14.17 goes live on Wednesday 8/28/2024.

Some more complex changes such as bug fixes and changes to spell behavior are more difficult to extract so I might have missed them, but I am always improving my tools to get better results in the future.




Champion Balance Changes


Base Stats

Base hp: 640 --> 610



R - Between Worlds

Base Damage: 200/325/450 --> 175/275/375



P - Blaze

Jungle Monster Burn DPS Cap: 80 --> 30

(This is per stack)

[NEW]Jungle Monster Explosion damage cap: 275-675 linear

(Explosion damage vs epics still uncapped)



Base Stats

Attack speed ratio: 0.594 --> 0.610



Base Stats

Base AD: 62 --> 60



Q - End of the Line

Base Damage: 45/60/75/90/105 --> 45/65/85/105/125

Cooldown: 13/11.5/10/8.5/7 --> 13/11.25/9.5/7.75/6



Q - Thundering Shuriken

AP Ratio: 0.85 --> 0.75



Q - Dance of Arrows

Base AS Bonus: 0.3 --> 0.35

E - Mounting Dread

Base Damage: 80/100/120/140/160 --> 80/110/140/170/200

Bonus AD Ratio: 0.8 --> 1.0

Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10 --> 14/12.5/11/9.5/8



Q - Sigil of Malice

AP Ratio: 0.45 --> 0.40

    (Mark AP ratio also decreased)

W - Distortion

AP Ratio: 0.75 --> 0.7



P - Dream-Laden Bough

Monster Damage Cap: 70-150 Linear --> 70-100 Linear



Q - Ice Shard

base damage: 80/110/140/170/200 --> 80/115/150/185/220

R - Frozen Tomb

Slow Amount: -0.30/-0.45/-0.75 --> -0.45/-0.60/-0.75



Base Stats

Base armor: 47 --> 43



P - Junkyard Titan

Overheat Perc Bonus Damage: 0.06 --> 0.05



Q - Overload

Base Damage: 70/90/110/130/150 --> 75/95/115/135/155

R - Realm Warp

Cooldown: 210/180/150 --> 180/160/140



Q - Piercing Darkness

Base Heal: 40/60/80/100/120 --> 40/55/70/85/100

Heal AP Ratio: 0.8 --> 0.6

R - Dawning Shadow

Shield AP Ratio: 0.7 --> 0.5



W - Surround Sound

Shield Strength: 60/85/110/135/160 --> 60/80/100/120/140

Cooldown: 22/21/20/19/18 --> 22



W - Kingslayer

Damage AP Ratio: 0.7 --> 0.6


Twisted Fate

Q - Wild Cards

Base Damage: 60/100/140/180/220 --> 60/105/150/195/240



Q - Piercing Arrow

Base Damage Max: 15/70/125/180/235 --> 90/160/230/300/370

     Base Damage Min: 10/47/83/120/157 --> 60/101/141/182/223

AD Ratio Max: 1.25/1.3/1.35/1.4/1.45 --> 1.5/1.6/1.7/1.8/1.9

     AD Ratio Min: 0.83/0.87/0.9/0.93/0.97 --> 0.9/0.97/1.00/1.10/1.17

         (Ad Ratios changed from Total AD to Bonus AD)

E - Hail of Arrows

Bonus AD Ratio: 0.9 --> 1.1


Item Balance Changes

Axiom Arc

Lethality: 22 --> 18


The Collector

Lethality: 18 --> 12


Celestial Opposition

Slow Duration: 2 --> 1.5

Slow Amount: 0.6 --> 0.5


Warmog's Armor

Total Price: 3100 --> 3300

Completion Price: 600 --> 800

Bonus MS: 10% --> 5%


Arena Champion Balance Changes

Master Yi

E - Wuju Style

BaseDamage: 20/25/30/35/40 --> 15/20/25/30/35



W - Command: Dissonance

AP Ratio: 0.7 --> 0.6



P - Blades Edge

Bonus AD Ratio: 3 --> 2.6

Q - Noxian Diplomacy

Bonus AD Ratio: 1.3 --> 1.15



Q - Baleful Strike

APRatio: 0.50/0.55/0.60/0.65/0.70 --> 0.45/0.50/0.55/0.60/0.65

E - Event Horizon

CD: 20/18.5/17/15.5/14 --> 23/21.5/20/18.5/17



E - Explosive Minefield

AP Ratio Per Mine: 0.4 --> 0.3



Q - Time Bomb

AP Ratio: 0.9 --> 1


Arena Item Balance Changes

Black Hole Gauntlet

Slow Amount: 0.25 --> 0.35

DOT Resistance Ratio: 0.60 --> 0.70


Guardian's Dirk

Lethality: 13 --> 11

Plant Increase: 0.25 --> 0.2


Lightning Rod

[NEW] Lightning Strike now has a minimum cooldown of 5s


Pyromancer's Cloak

Bonus omnivamp per active burn: 2% --> 2.5%

Base Fire Damage Per Second: 75 --> 100

Fire Damage Per Burn: 50 --> 60

Fire Starter CD: 10 --> 5



Battle Queens 2024 and God-Kings 2024

Battle Queen Gwen

Gwen of Caligo—a faraway, ancient queendom long thought lost to time—cut through the nation's protective clouds to reconnect with the rest of Elysia. Her predecessor, Queen Isolde, trusts Gwen's pure heart and sharp mind to affirm Caligo's strength and ally with fellow rulers—for dark times lie ahead, and only a steadfast pact may prevent the worst.

Battle Queen Gwen Splash Art

Battle Princess Annie

Annie revealed her magical talents before Telum's royal court, transforming her dear teddy bear into a knight of steel and flame. Though a near-fatal display for many aristocrats, Queen Fiora embraced the child's potential and named her successor. Annie trains to triumph in a future Coronation… and causes a fair amount of mischief for her regal mentor.

Battle Princess Annie Splash Art

Battle Queen Fiora

Nobles in the cutthroat queendom of Telum conspired against Fiora's rise to power, taking her eye and proclaiming her dead. Yet from flowers and flame she arose, then prevailed, in the Grand Coronation. Queen Fiora now oversees arms manufacturing in her nation's steel gardens, and secures her succession by training and tempering a certain fiery princess.

Battle Queen Fiora Splash Art

Battle Queen Miss Fortune

Queen Katarina's decree rang throughout Elysia: the Grand Coronation ordains honorable battle among nations, army versus army. Miss Fortune of Cyrenia welcomed this change, commanding her sky-fleet in an explosive display of wealth and munitions. While allied to the secluded Aurai, Miss Fortune's crowning proves the ruthlessness of the brigades above.

Battle Queen Miss Fortune Splash Art

Divine God-King Darius and Divine God-King Garen (Mythic Chromas)

God-King Splash Art


Player Icons



Updated Emotes

These icons have been changed since first being released on pbe, most famously the "Small PP Akali" emote was demoted.

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