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  • Writer's pictureThe Mourning Minion

Patch 14.15 Preview | Summer Event Part 2

Updated: Aug 5

This is where I keep the cumulative changes between the live server and the league of legends test server, this serves as a preview for patch 14.15, last updated on 7/23/2024.

Patch 14.15 goes live on Wednesday 7/31/2024.

Some more complex changes such as bug fixes and changes to spell behavior are more difficult to extract so I might have missed them, but I am always improving my tools to get better results in the future.




Champion Balance Changes


W - Twilight Shroud

Cooldown: 20 --> 20/19/18/17/16

R - Perfect Execution

Cooldown: 100/80/60 --> 120/90/60

R1 Base Damage: 80/220/360 --> 110/220/330

R2 Base Damage: 60/130/200 --> 70/140/210


Aurelion Sol

Q - Breath of Light

Tick AP Ratio: 0.55 --> 0.5

Burst Damage: 55/65/75/85/95 --> 55/60/65/70/75

Burst AP Ratio: 0.3 --> 0.25

Burst Max HP True Damage Per Stack: 0.031% --> 0.03%

[NEW] Burst Stack Ratio: 0.12

E - Singularity

Mana cost: 80 --> 90

[NEW]Bonus Stardust Threshold: 4

[NEW]Bonus Stardust Amount: 1

(Grants one bonus stardust if 4 enemies die in the effect)



P - Spirit Abjuration

Bonus MS: 5% --> 2%

[NEW] Bonus MS AP Ratio: 0.03

R - Between Worlds

Base Damage: 250/375/500 --> 200/325/450

AP Ratio: 0.64 --> 0.60



Base Stats

Base Mana: 350 --> 400

Mana per level: 60 --> 40

Q - Noxious Blast

AP Ratio: 0.90 --> 0.70

Mana cost: 60/70/80/90/100 --> 55/60/65/70/70

W - Miasma

Mana cost: 80/90/100/110/120 --> 75/80/85/90/90

E - Twin Fang

Bonus AP Ratio: 0.6 --> 0.55

Mana cost: 48/46/44/42/40 --> 40



Base Stats

Base hp: 590 --> 630

Hp regen: 1.7 --> 1.2



E - Flame Breath

BaseDamage: 60/100/140/180/220 --> 85/125/165/205/245

Blast AP Ratio: 0.90 --> o.80

Blast Bonus AD Ratio: 0.40 --> 0.50

DoT AD Ratio: 0.10% total AD --> 0.30 bonus AD



Base Stats

Hp per level: 105 --> 110

Armor per level: 4.8 --> 5

Q - Shattered Earth

[NEW]Delay Total Time Percent: -0.825

Mana cost: 50 --> 40

E - Ixtal's Impact

Hitbox Changes:

Old hitbox was a 260L by 200W rectangle from his centerpoint for both grab and impact

New ones seem to be circles offset from his center towards his front.

[NEW]Initial Hitbox Radius: 160

[NEW]Initial Hitbox Offset: 90

[NEW]SecondHitboxDelay: 0.3

[NEW]Second Hitbox Radius: 100

[NEW]Second Hitbox Offset: 150

[NEW]FinalHitboxDelay: 0.4

These changes make the hitbox for grabbing quite a bit smaller so Backwards Kidnap is effectively removed but shouldn't effect intended use much.

Also implements a bugfix for E stun not always working.



Q - Chain Lash

Explosion Base Damage: 70/125/180/235/290 --> 60/115/170/225/280

[NEW]Explosion AP Ratio: 0.9 --> 0.8

Cooldown: 11/10/9/8/7 --> 10/9/8/7/6

W - Kingslayer

Damage AP Ratio: 0.8 --> 0.7

Heal Min AP Ratio: 0.35 --> 0.2

[NEW]Heal Min HP Ratio: 0.05

E - Abscond/Abduct

AP Ratio: 1.0 --> 0.8



Base Stats

Base AD: 57 --> 59

P - Living Vengeance

AS to AD Champion: 15 --> 25

AS to AP Champion: 15 --> 25

AS Cap: 2.7632 --> 3

Minion bonus AS: 0.10 --> 0.10/0.20/0.30 at 1/7/13

Champion bonus AS: 0.4 --> 0.5

(Minion AS to stats conversion stays at 0.10 bonus AS)

W - Blighted Quiver

Onhit Damage: 7/14/21/28/35 --> 5/10/15/20/25



E - Sweeping Blade

Base Damage: 60/70/80/90/100 --> 70/85/100/115/130

Increased Damage per Stack: 0.15-0.25 linear --> 0.25



Q - Mortal Steel

Base Damage: 20/40/60/80/100 --> 20/45/70/95/120

R - Fate Sealed

Cooldown: 120/90/60 --> 120/100/80



Q - Razor Shuriken

Base Damage: 80/115/150/185/220 --> 80/120/160/200/240

Bonus AD Ratio: 1.1 --> 1

R - Death Mark

Cooldown: 120/100/80 --> 120/110/100



P - Garden of Thorns

Seed Cooldown: 13.33-8.80 (linear) --> 13.60-9.05 (linear)


Item Balance Changes

Base Components

Null-Magic Mantle

Price: 450 --> 400

Magic Resistance: 25 --> 20

(Total prices and MR values for items that use NMM are unchanged, completion prices increased by 50gp)


Legendary Items

Abyssal Mask

Completion Price: 600 --> 800

Total Price: 2300 --> 2500

Radius: 600 --> 700

MR Shred: 20% --> 30%


Cosmic Drive

Bonus Movespeed: 25-60 (Linear) --> 40-60 (40 for levels 1-8, +2 per level after lvl 9)

Health: 250 --> 350


Hextech Rocketbelt

Health: 300 --> 400


Horizon Focus

Ability Power: 90 --> 95


Kraken Slayer

[NEW]Ranged Proc Multiplier: 0.8

Percent Movespeed: 0.07 --> 0.05


Luden's Companion

Ability Haste: 20 --> 25

Ability Power: 80 --> 85


Statikk Shiv

Completion Price: 225 --> 325

Total Price: 2800 --> 2900

Percent Movespeed: 0.07 --> 0.05


Trinity Force

Ability Haste: 15 --> 20

Attack Damage: 30 --> 35


Void Staff

Ability Power: 90 --> 95


Wit's End

Recipe: ['Recurve Bow', 'Negatron Cloak', 'Dagger'] -->

['Recurve Bow', 'Negatron Cloak', 'Recurve Bow']

Completion Price: 900 --> 500

Total Price: Unchanged

OnHitDamage: 15-80 (15 lvl 1-8, +10/lvl 9-14, +1.25 15-18) --> 40-80 (40 from lvl 1-8, +4/lvl 9-18)



Berserker's Greaves

Attack Speed: 0.35 --> 0.3


Boots of Swiftness

Completion Price: 600 --> 700

Total Price: 900 --> 1000


Ionian Boots of Lucidity

Completion Price: 350 --> 450

Total Price: 900 --> 1000

Summoner Haste: 12 --> 10


Mercury's Treads

Completion Price: 350 --> 500

Total Price: 1100 --> 1200

Magic Resistance: 25 --> 20


Plated Steelcaps

Completion Price: 400 --> 600

Total Price: 1000 --> 1200

Auto Attack Damage Reduction: 0.08 --> 0.1


Sorcerer's Shoes

Magic Pen: 18 --> 15


Arena Champion Balance Changes


E - Trample

AP Ratio: 0.7 --> 1



W - Valkyrie

AP Ratio: 1.5 --> 1.8


Jarvan IV

E - Demacian Standard

AP Ratio: 0.8 --> 1



W - Eclipse

AP Ratio: 0.4 --> 0.7

R - Solar Flare

Explosion AP Ratio: 0.80 --> 1.0



W - Void Swarm

Voidling AD Ratio: 0.4 --> 0.6



R - Realm of Death

Stat Steal Percent: 0.10 --> 0.08



Q - Poison Trail

AP Ratio /s: 0.35 --> 0.325

    (SR value is 0.425)

R - Insanity Potion

Bonus Stats: 30/65/100 --> 30/55/80



W - Soul Furnace

HP Per Champ Kill: 15 --> 8

HP Per Kill: 4 --> 2

HP Per Large Kill: 15 --> 8

    Shield Amount: 0.08/0.10/0.12/0.14/0.16 % Max HP --> 0.06/0.08/0.1/0.12/0.14 % Max HP



W - Frenzied Maul

Heal Percent: 0.06/0.09/0.12/0.15/0.18 --> 0.06/0.08/0.1/0.12/0.14

Damage Bonus Health Ratio: 0.06 --> 0.05


Xin Zhao

P - Determination

AP Ratio: 0.65 --> 0.85

E - Audacious Charge

AP Ratio: 0.6 --> 0.9



Anima Squad 2024 Part 2

Battle Lion Leona

Leona is Anima Squad's reliable front-line defense, big sister, and official wrangler of its wilder members. Someone has to make sure those fire starters from the demolitions team get safely back to base! Don't think Leona can't bring the pain on her own, though. When it comes to battle, you will hear her roar!

Battle Lion Leona Splash Art

Prestige Battle Lion Leona

Sporting the latest in fashionable activewear for any on-the-go warrior, Leona defends her title of “Pride of the Runway” as easily as she rocks a bold lip color. Saving the world is important, but doing it with style? That's what Anima Squad is all about.

Prestige Battle Lion Leona Splash Art

Battle Wolf Yasuo

The first captain of the Wolf Squad, Yasuo fought alongside Riven in the early days of the invasion. He disappeared only to reemerge years later a battle-hardened survivalist, still wearing his original suit. He's here to warn Anima Squad that the enemy has evolved—and if they want to survive, they'll need all hands (and paws) on deck.

Battle Wolf Yasuo Splash Art

Battle Bear Illaoi

Every Anima Squad recruit knows Illaoi's booming laugh—and her notoriously tough training sessions—all too well. As someone always looking towards the future, it may seem strange that she is also Anima Squad's keeper of the Old Ways. But Illaoi knows that there was life before Final City, and she will ensure life continues long after the war is done.

Battle Bear Illaoi Splash Art

Primordian Briar

Briar was an early draft of Aatrox's perfection, but was deemed a “failure”—because instead of using her finely-honed mind to get back at surface-dwellers, she loves humans! Now that Briar has joined up with Anima Squad, maybe they can show her how to be more than what she was made to be.

Primordian Briar Splash Art

Primordian Aatrox [Legendary]

When the Primordians first attacked, humanity was unprepared—until Anima Squad formed to become its last defense. But they are safe no longer, for the Primordians evolved in turn. Their apex being is called Aatrox, whose understanding of humanity only furthers his hatred. His flesh has no limits, his sword no mercy. He is the harbinger of Anima's end.

Primordian Aatrox Splash Art





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