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  • Writer's pictureThe Mourning Minion

Briar (Swarm)

Briar is a fast and frantic melee bruiser which benefits from taking damage and has the tools to take risks without dying.

Briar's passive, Survival Instincts increases her movespeed and damage as her health decreases, rewarding her for risky play, while her E, Fish Frenzy increases her damage output and heals her. In a pinch, recasting E for Survival Scream restores control to the player and gives her a large, instant heal.

Briars R, Dive Bomb, allows her to instantly move anywhere on the map and drives her into a more powerful version of her Fish Frenzy.

How to Unlock

Complete the "Defeat Briar on The Outskirts" objective by winning a game on the Outskirts map. You must win a game on the Warehouse to unlock the Outskirts.

Base Stats

Base hp: 1200

Base armor: 15

Unique Weapon

Pillory Swipe | Savage Slice

Briar sweeps in front of her, dealing damage that scales with her Max Health.

Evolve: Max HP

Savage Slice: Briar’s swipes gain greatly enhanced area of effect and causes a stacking bleed effect.

Benefits from Ability Haste, Area Size, Crit Chance, Damage, and Max HP


Attack CD: 2/1.9/1.8/1.7/1.6

Attack Damage: 25/55/85/115/145

HP Ratio: 5 per 100 max HP

(60 bonus damage with no upgrades or passives)

Area of Effect Increase: 0/0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4 | 0.5

Attack Range: 300 | 400

Evolved Bleed Duration: 8s

Evolved Bleed Damage: 10


Passive – Survival instincts

Briar gains increased move speed and damage based on her missing health.

Max Move Speed: 100%

Max Damage Increase: 60%



E – Fish Frenzy / Survival Scream (Cooldown: 20s)

Briar dashes a short distance and smashes her pillory, going into a frenzy. This frenzy grants her damage reduction, reduces the CD of Pillory Swipe, and causes Pillory Swipe attacks to heal her based on her missing health. She can recast this ability to end the frenzy early, damaging enemies in a radius around her and healing.

Duration: 6s

Damage Reduction: 25%

Healing per Attack: 10 + 5% missing HP

Frenzy Attack CD: .5s

(I can’t find documentation on this but frenzy also seems to give Briar 12% bonus move speed)

Scream Radius: 500

Scream Damage: 100 + 5 per level

Scream Heal: 40% Missing HP


R – Dive Bomb (Cooldown: 120s)

Briar kicks a crystal from her pillory to a target area (with no maximum range) and then dashes there, causing an explosion of energy and entering an enhanced frenzy.

Explosion Damage: 150 + 10 per level

Frenzy Duration: 6s

(Unfortunately I haven’t been able to determine exactly what effects this “enhanced frenzy” has. I suspect that it doubles all the effects of a regular frenzy, providing 50% damage reduction, 20 + 10% missing health healing for each Pillory Swipe attack, and 24% bonus movespeed)

Tips and Tricks for Playing Briar

Statikk Sword and Radiant Field are natural item picks for Briar as they both evolve with maximum health.

Avoid augments which reduce Max HP when playing Briar, her damage and healing both rely on it and don't benefit as much from Ability Haste.

Armor is a better passive pickup for Briar than health regen, since Briar is very likely to take damage and has significant healing already.

Dive Bomb can target any location on the map, allowing Briar to get out of tight situations or get to where she needs to be nearly instantly.

E has a small dash which can be used to hop small obstacles.

Knowing when to recast E is key to success when playing Briar. She can't dodge while frenzying so you might sometimes need to cast it earlier than "the clutchest moment" to avoid some attack.

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