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  • Writer's pictureThe Mourning Minion

Aurora, the Witch Between Worlds, Revealed

Aurora splash art

Earlier this week, Riot released the splash art, her abilities, lore, and champion insights for their new champion, Aurora. Aurora will be released on the PBE for the patch 14.14 patch cycle early next week and will go live on Wednesday July 17th 2024.

The Witch Between Worlds is an intellectual vastaya studying the spirits beyond the vale in the Frejiord. Born with the ability to see the spirit realm overlayed over the material realm and to physically move between the two, Aurora seeks to show others the beautify of the spirit world.

Aurora's concept represents the experiences of people with autism, seeing patterns and having sensory experience unique and perplexing to other people.

Aurora Spirit art and designs

Her world is alive with spirits of all kinds, bizarre looking little blobs which she considers to be precious, even cute. In game, she collects them by attacking enemies and they aid her.

Her kit appears to make her a short ranged and mobile battlemage, we don't have numbers yet but Riot has revealed her abilities.

Aurora passive icon

Passive - Spirit Abjuration

Aurora's spells and attacks exorcise spirits from the enemies she damages. Exorcised spirits follow Aurora around, healing her and granting her bonus movement speed.

Aurora Q icon

Q - Twofold Hex

Aurora sends out a missile that curses any enemies it hits. She can then recast the ability to draw active curses back towards herself, damaging foes who are hit along the way.

Aurora W icon

W - Across the Veil

Aurora leaps in a direction of her choosing, entering the spirit realm upon landing and becoming invisible for a short duration.

Aurora E icon

E - The Weirding

Aurora unlocks a window to the spirit realm, sending out a blast of spirit magic that damages and slows enemies before Aurora hops backward to safety.

Aurora R icon

R - Between Worlds

Aurora leaps in a direction of her choosing, releasing a shockwave that damages and slows any enemies it hits. Afterward she creates an area that traps enemies within it and allows Aurora to teleport from one side of the area to the other.

Aurora can use her W, E, and R hops to traverse over small walls. Her ultimate doesn't seem to prevent champions from dashing through it, but if the dash is short the wall will displace them back inside of it.

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